Just one of the little things we do.

Get people to work more creatively.

Om Sculpto

Sculpto has been providing 3D printers to thousands of people since we first started. Every day we have worked towards our goal of unleashing the creative abilities of people by making 3D printing technology easy to use and accessible. This is our journey.

Our history

Sculpto was founded in 2015 when entrepreneurs Simon Breum Fisker and Jacob Lindeberg fell for 3D printing technology.

However, they were disappointed that 3D printers were quite expensive, complicated to use, large and time consuming. They went out and designed a 3D printer that was much more simplified and reconsidered the traditional design of a 3D printer.

Their efforts have led to an incredibly simple and stable design that makes the Sculpto 3D printer one of the most compact and mobile 3D printers on the market.

They created a 3D printer with a weight of only 2.7 kg and the ability to print objects the size of a football.

Something else that, in Simon and Jacob's opinion, needed to change was the process of finding or designing projects.

It required expert knowledge and was very complicated. Sculpto has changed all that by automating the processes in the "cloud" and making the printer 100% wireless, which makes it possible to print directly and with just a click on your smartphone, tablet or PC.

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